Flesh and Blood: Go Again rules

One of the most important and unique mechanics in Flesh and Blood, the popular trading card game, is the go again keyword. This keyword allows a player to take another action after playing a card with go again, as long as they have enough resources and cards in hand. Go again can be found on many cards, such as attack actions, defense reactions, non-attack actions, and even equipment. It can also be granted by certain effects, such as hero abilities or triggered abilities. In this article, we will explain how go again works and how to use it effectively in your games.
The first thing to understand about go again is that it is not a stackable effect. This means that if you play multiple cards with go again in a row, you do not get multiple extra actions. You only get one extra action per turn, unless another effect says otherwise. For example, if you play a card with go again and then play another card with go again, you do not get two extra actions. You only get one extra action from the first card with go again.
The second thing to understand about go again is that it is not a mandatory effect. This means that you do not have to take another action after playing a card with go again. You can choose to end your turn instead. This can be useful if you want to save resources or cards for your opponent’s turn, or if you want to avoid triggering certain effects that happen at the end of your turn. For example, if you play a card with go again and then decide to end your turn, you do not have to discard any cards from your arsenal.
The third thing to understand about go again is that it is not a permanent effect. This means that it only lasts until the end of your turn or until you take another action. If you do not take another action after playing a card with go again, you lose the go again effect at the end of your turn. If you do take another action after playing a card with go again, you lose the go again effect when you take that action. For example, if you play a card with go again and then play an attack action without go again, you lose the go again effect when you play the attack action.
The fourth thing to understand about go again is that it is not a free effect. This means that you still have to pay the costs of playing cards with go again or cards that grant go again. You also have to follow the rules of playing cards, such as having enough resources and cards in hand. Go again does not allow you to break these rules or ignore these costs. For example, if you play a card with go again that costs 1 resource and then play another card with go again that costs 2 resources, you still have to pay 3 resources in total.
The fifth thing to understand about go again is that it is not a guaranteed effect. This means that it can be prevented or removed by certain effects, such as hero abilities or triggered abilities. Some effects can also change the timing or conditions of go again, such as making it happen before or after certain phases or steps. Go again does not protect you from these effects or override them. For example, if you play a card with go again and then your opponent plays a defense reaction that removes go again from your card, you do not get an extra action.
Go again is one of the most powerful and versatile mechanics in Flesh and Blood. It allows you to create dynamic and flexible strategies that can adapt to different situations and opponents. It also adds an extra layer of decision-making and risk-reward to your games. Knowing how to use go again effectively can give you an edge over your opponents and help you win more games.